

Oct 1 2019

I made this blog in the hopes of having a place to rant and have a word on my adventures on this blue dot. Then this and that happened and I couldn’t bring my brain and fingers to cooperate on blabbering. I’d like to blame the stars and planets for this long silence that came right after the beginning of the blog, and that would be very 2019 appropriate. However, I’m proud to announce that I’m here to make up for it! Bear with me as I try to come up with some quality content because I’m pretty sure that’ll happen once in a while. I’ll start with a recap of the typical why’s and what’s and where’s.

Why a blog?

When I attended Infosec EU, BSides London, and WonderWomen Tech back in early June this year, I met a lot of inspiring people (I still have my notes about that week, and I’ll post that another day). They all had one thing in common; an active blog where they share valuable knowledge. I was naturally inclined to follow their lead and gain the habit of writing, so I came back home with all the excitement and built this place. 

Where were you all this time?

tl;dr: life happened.

Health issues, decisions on my career and where I’m headed to, unpleasant events, collusion of my long-term goals and the expectations from me, devastating news, some other drama collectively led to the loss of my motivation. It’s my inexperience of handling all these and the volume of negativity that rushed my way that caused me to dismiss and postpone any possible engagement in infosec. 

What happens now?

The motivation is back, the field is active, and I’m ready to write about whatever comes my way. Don’t expect to see constant quality content here. I’ll certainly rant about anything and everything. If they become too much of a mess, I’ll break them down into categories that might allow me to filter out for future references. Once in a blue moon, something worthy to read will rise amidst the rants. I’m back online and ready for lift-off!